Upending tool final assembly

Final assembly of the uppending tool is nearing completion. At the end of January, the customer will take delivery of the largest load handling device SpanSet Axzion has ever built. The grabber is going to Taiwan. It will be used in the offshore sector to erect monopiles weighing up to 1,800 tons.

For technical approval, Axzion had even had to enlarge its test stand. Final assembly also includes painting, installation of controls, electronics and hydraulics. Place of action in Neustrelitz in Brandenburg. To ensure that everything ran on schedule, a 10-strong assembly team put in several weeks of hard work and was not deterred even by darkness. Other Axzion and SpanSet locations in Übach-Palenberg, Langenfeld and Großefehn were involved in the planning and construction of the components. Compliments to everyone who contributed to this mega project.